Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Have Yourself a Big Idea!

I said recently that I would refer to a poorly made video in a lesson about setting goals. I had an idea in mind, but I put it off, even after I announced online how I'd be posting a video that weekend. By the time I got around to filming, it was too dark to do what I had thought of, and I became dismayed and distracted. The video ended up being a collage of me testing different effects in my video editing program. It wasn't awful, but it lacked a message. Having a message is something I want to focus on in all my future blog and youtube posts. With all the advertising, gossip and other distractions we see daily, a blogger has to have a message to be heard. So here is today's message: Don't put off big ideas. If you have something in mind that is going to improve the world, do it! If something amazing pops into your head tomorrow while you are in the shower, remember it, expand on it, make something of it! The video I was referring to is at:

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