Saturday, January 28, 2012

Open Up.

The cookie cutter life expectations we are born into deserve questioning. Granted, I understand a lot of it is biological, but we have to wonder how much our perception of the way society to be affects our decision making. We are easily categorized as market demographics because we follow trends according to our age, gender, race, location, etc. We start to think about everything in terms of efficiency. We become like machines in our consistency. Go to the store, find the same pasta sauce you've been buying for the last five years. Don't look at the other ones or is there one on sale? Stop being this way! Look at what more life has to offer. Stop taking everything so seriously. The job you work is important for many reasons, but don't let it detract from your ability to let the stress fall off. Learn to have fun, it doesn't even have to be expensive. Say yes to something you wouldn't normally do this week, and let me know if it turned out to be a good experience.

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